Innov8 4 Kids Challenge

759 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
759 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Feb 01, 2022, 03:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 14, 2022, 02:00 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Mar 21, 2022, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 15, 2022, 02:00 AM UTC (UTC)


Judging Criteria

Please see key dates for judging below:

  • Judging Phase 1 - Idea Evaluations: March 14th-18th
  • Development phase - March 19th - April 10th
  • Judging Phase 2 - Submissions: April 15th (Winners announced!)
  • Gamify Education and Care Plans:

    • Functionality
      Was a working, functional prototype demonstrated? How well does the solution perform and meet the purpose described?
    • Design & Usability
      Is the intended functionality easy to use? Does its design augment the solution’s utility?
    • Scalability & Potential Impact
      Does this solution have the potential to have an impact at scale? Could this affect Patient Experience, Quality, Cost, Employee Engagement?
    • Creativity & Innovation
      How creative was the team in developing a unique and innovative solution for the challenge? Unique solutions that do not already exist in the industry will score higher
    • Quick Win
      Is this a solution that could be implemented within 2022?


    Video Creation:

    • Innovative
      How creative was the team in developing a unique and innovative video for the challenge?
    • Clinical Accuracy
      Was the content accurate?
    • Engagement
      Is the video potentially engaging for a typical pediatric patient?
    • Creativity
      Was there use of engaging media elements such as music, animation, scene, setting, actors, etc.?
    • Quick Win
      Is this a video that can be easily implemented in its current form or with minimal modifications?
    • Submission requirements:

      • The participant submits the video. MOV, MP4, or common video format and included editable files and assets


    Curriculum Creation Contest (C3 Challenge):

    Submissions allowed: Specific tutorials or content on websites, videos, documents created themself or pre-made allowed

    Submission requirements:

    • Clearly defined what the content will teach (Topic)
    • Topics are in digestible chunks
    • Bonus: Sample files and assets are provided, allowing the learner to follow along
    • Engaging content that will hold learner’s attention


    Culinary Challenge Criteria:

  • Nutritional Value:
    • Healthy Recipe
      o A serving size is 600 calories or less
      o Low in total fat and saturated fat, sodium, carbohydrates
  • Type of recipe – all will qualify:
    • Main or side dish
    • Mixed dish, e.g., casserole, soup medley, stir fry rice
    • Cold or hot dish

  • Prep and cook time:
    • 30 minutes or less
  • Presentation:
    • Pleasing to the eye
    • Looks appetizing
  • Taste:
    • Pleasing to the tastebuds
    • Balance of flavor

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